On Thursday I experienced an awesome afternoon on the WB lot. Thanks to my friend (the same one who got me tickets for Ellen -- she has an awesome job!) Lauren, Holland, and I got onto the lot, walked around, looked for celebs, and visited the WB museum where there are a ton of awesome props and costumes from movies and an entire floor of the museum is devoted to the Harry Potter movies!
This is Lauren, Holland, and myself on the soundstage where all the Oceans movies (and a ton other movies) were filmed. George, Brad, and Matt were all here!
This is the set for ER!
Me, Lauren, and MJ enjoying some Jamba Juice after a long hot walk around the lot. This was my first Jamba experience and I loved it, such a healthy and delicious treat! While we were getting our Jamba in the store we saw Laura Innes who has been on ER forever shopping with her daughter!

(all photo's courtesy of Lauren's iPhone since you are not allowed to bring cameras, or take pictures for that matter, on the lot)
What an awesome day! I wanna go now