When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. -When Harry Met Sally
This day, truly, was the best day I've had so far in my life. I assume that this ranking will change once I have children, but for now it remains in the top spot. I've never felt more loved, cared for, or beautiful in my entire life and I don't think I'll ever feel that way again. I'm sure anyone who's gotten married can agree with me. I think my wedding was special and intimate. One of the most special moments, my mom walking me down the aisle. My parents have been divorced for a long time and I haven't had a very happy relationship with my dad. It was only fitting that the woman who raised me (and who is also the most amazing, determined, smartest woman I know) walked me down the aisle to "give me away" to my husband. We also decided to have Peter's mom stand up and "give him away" too. It was a very special moment.

Another special part of our day was only choosing to have 6 friends in our bridal party. It was a hard decision since we have so many great friends, but in the end I think we picked six great people to support our marriage.

If you can't tell in the pictures our colors were dark brown, hot pink, and orange. The girls wore brown silk chiffon dresses of their choice. I loved how the look turned out. The boys wore dark brown pin-striped suits that they got to keep! We thought this was the best ideas for our boys since renting a tux is so expensive and you don't even get to keep it! Peter's idea was to wear a different colored suit, he wore a khaki suit from J.Crew with a striped vest. I love the way the look turned out. The girls and myself carried long stemmed pink and orange gerbera daisy's (my favorite flower!) and the boys had orange gerbera bout's.
Ahhhh.. I love reminiscing about this. I hope you're enjoying my posts!! I bet you're all excited for the next one when I get all sappy about my groom.
Ahhhh.. I love reminiscing about this. I hope you're enjoying my posts!! I bet you're all excited for the next one when I get all sappy about my groom.
AGAIN: All professional images were taken by our amazing photographer Benjamin Derkin who is based in Ohio. You can check out his website here and he blogs too! You'll be impressed, trust me. I wish I could show you the amazing blurb books he made us. You would hire him immediately, I promise.
Aww, careful, you might make your mom cry ... I can't believe it's already been a year!
ReplyDeleteI guess your wedding was fun. My day was ruined when that girl you guys told me I could hook up with wasn't there.
ReplyDeleteyou guys are SO awesome. i am so honored that i was able to be a part of it! keep up the awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteYour bouquet is gorgeous!!