Oh my goodness, it's such an exciting week in the LaLa Land house! The picture above is a hint at why it's so exciting..
It's our anniversary week! One year ago today we were a few days away from our BIG day. I can't believe how fast time has flown and how much has changed since May 10, 2008. This week will be a week full of nostalgia on the ole' bloggy so be prepared for some wedding talk!
We also had a very fun weekend in the City of Angels (LA has so many nicknames, makes for lots of fun on the net!) full of Kentucky Derby fun and some apartment hunting. Once I get some derby pictures loaded on the computer I'll post those. The pictures are full of big hats, mint julups (eww, I'll stick to mimosas thank you) and boys in pastels (yum!) and daytime drinking. No money was won in the derby though because I bet all my money ($2) on chocolate candy (of course!) but he failed me.
I want to see the big hat pictures.