So, apparently I took about a sabbatical from blogging. I miss writing, sharing my life, and my blog friends so I'm officially back! First I will have a series of posts about what I've been doing for the past two months and then hopefully jump back into regular updates!
About a month ago we went camping in Little Lakes Valley a few hours north of LA. We hiked in to the park with HUGE (and I seriously mean HUGE, like I'm going to pass out HUGE) bags on our backs. We hiked several miles to our campground overlooking a beautiful lake, surrounded by mountains. It was literally the most beautiful and peaceful place I've ever been. At night, the stars.. oh my I can't even explain how amazing the stars were.

Here is a picture of the whole group at our lovely campsite in our "kitchen" where we spent most of our time enjoying pitas, peanut butter, and dehydrated meals (which were surprising delicious, or maybe we were just surprisingly hungry and willing to eat anything..).

This was probably one of the toughest and most physically draining weekend's I ever experienced. I wouldn't say I'm the most "out-doorsy" of girls but I actually did enjoy my time in the wilderness. It was nice to get out of LaLa Land for the weekend and enjoy the fresh air.